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Sawmill Byproducts 
The two mills produce truckload quantities of the following products.  We used some of the sawdust as fuel in our boilers for the two kilns.  These products are from red pine, white pine and jack pine.

Clean chips (no bark) are produced from the carriage mill and the Scragg mill.  A shaker screen on the chippers ensures very few fines and silvers.


These chips are from red, white and jack pine.


Our supply of chips are currently under contract for the year.



Mulch residue has a small amount of wood fiber.  The mulch is generated from the debarkers on the post peeler and the Rosser head peeler in the carriage mill.


The wood species are red, white and jack pine.


There is ample supply of this product.


The two mills produce several truckloads of sawdust a day.  This material is from red, white and jack pine timbers. We use some of this volume to heat the two dry kilns at our Dimension plant.  The remaining material is available.  


We have the ability to run white pine separately.


Call Andrew at (218) 335-2694 for a price quote and availability.


Shavings are generally dried since the squares and boards have gone through the drying process at one of two kilns at our Dimension Plant.




Yard Residue

Yard residue is made up of the bark which has fallen off the tree while it was unloaded, stacked and hauled to the processing mill.  The bark is mixed with the yard dirt.


MPCA has approved this mix of material for backfill in the ground.


© 2022 Timberlyne Wood Products

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