Selling Your Timber at the Sawmill
Specifications for logs and bolts
All wood must be fresh cut.
Shear cuts are only acceptable if all split is trimmed off.
Rot and undersized (diameter and length) will be culled or reduced in price when scaled.
Logs are scaled on the ground using the Scribner Decimal C or on the truck if the load is a straight load (all the same length).
Bolts are scaled on the truck using stick scale.
Please call before cutting as to which lengths we need.
Red pine (Norway) lengths are 10', 12', 14', 16', 18' and 20'. Add 4" for trim to each length.
Red pine longer lengths are 22' through 34'. Add 4" for trim to each length.
White pine lengths are 10', 12' and 16'. Add 4" trim to each length. No 14' lengths.
All logs are to have a minimum of 12" diameter.
Red, white and jack pine bolts are to be 100" in length.
Minimum diameter is 6".
Please ensure there is no red dot, dead wood or undersized wood.
Delivery Times and Instructions
Logs 10' through 20' may be delivered at any time into the log yard at Cass Lake.
Logs longer than 22' need to be delivered during our normal scaling hours.
Mark the ends of the logs with your name. We will scale the load(s) the next business day.
Scaling hours are Monday-Thursday 6 AM to 4 PM; Friday-6AM to 1 PM.
All bolt deliveries are scaled on the truck.
Please call the office (218) 335-2694 for current open market prices.
Payment Terms
All delivered wood will be paid within 45 days or negotiated.